Wanna Get Rid of It?
Beyond Stress Management
YOU Will Experience Relaxation, Major Stress Reduction, A Profound Peace of Mind,
Striking Inner Power, Boundless Positive Energy, Skyrocketing
Personal Achievement,
And A Profound Peace Of Mind Level
Never Before Thought Possible
(In WAY Less Than 30 Days!)

Thousands Worldwide Have Already Discovered His  Amazing Stress Reduction Claim Is Clearly True!
His Landmark Approach To Dealing With Stress (And The Incredible Life Upgrades You'll Enjoy) Will Leave You Scratching Your Head Thinking

“Why No One Has Ever Thought Of This Before???”

Dear Stressed Out Friend,

Let me get right to the point; stress sucks!

There’s really no other way to describe it, in so many people’s lives, stress becomes intense, even overbearing, for prolonged periods of time.

Actually, I should say millions of people just allow stress to stay  intense, overbearing and prolonged. Feeling overwhelmed, they just choose to believe there’s “nothing” you can do about stress ; it’s just there, and you have to accept and endure its effects.

Well -- let me tell you something here: You don’t "have" to be stressed out anymore, or allow stress to constrain, undermine and deplete you.

Even YOU can change your perspective about stress and begin using it as motivation to produce incredible personal change and improvement!

You’ll Start Using Your Stress,
To Begin Fueling Success…
You can change your perspective about stress (I’ll shortly tell you how) -- and begin using it as life advancement stimulating, personal situation changing - success inciting fuel!

Never heard anything like that before - have you! And the reason you haven’t is because just about all other stress approaches deal with trying to help you either “lessen” its effects, or vain attempts at teaching you how to be more efficient at “not” letting it get to you. Sort of like when “mud” is pouring down upon you - how "not" to let it get you dirty!

What a limited, minimally useful (if at all) way of thinking! You’ve likely read other stress books, and/or used stress “management” CD's or mp3 downloads  and resources in the past...haven't you?

Did they truly enhance you, and liberate you from the oppressive hand of stress? Or, are
you basically still being poured upon by “mud”, and then trying to use a technique to “offset” its stifling effects!

It’s Very Likely You’re Still Letting Stress “Pound On You”, And Negatively Impact You …
And Futily Trying To “Manage your stress”, Or Somehow “Lessen” Its Unsettling Influence.

Well – That’s All About To Change For YOU my stressed out friend.

"As a television producer deadlines are a daily part of life. No matter what, the sportscast is going on
whether you are ready or not. And with late finishing games, breaking news or even a broken tape, the
stress can truly wear you out. That's why Pete's new book has become such a valuable part of my life. It teaches you to tap into
resources you didn't even know you had. How to take that daily grind and make it work for you in a
positive way.
This book doesn't just target and make you work towards a one-size-fits-all solution, it allows you to use
the stress in your life to come up with solutions and results that work for you, as an individual.
People who I've worked with in the television industry for years have noticed a change in my approach
and results already! This is not my first Pete Siegel book, and it certainly wont be my last! Thanks Again
Joe McLaughlin
Senior Sports Producer - WCBS-TV (NY)

"I love this book. especially the quote you wrote in Chapter 2 "Let what goes on around you, go on
around you; let what goes on inside of you be always your choice." I wrote it on a piece of paper,
hung it in my room, and read it every morning before I start my day.
Every time I feel myself getting stressed I automatically think of that quote, take a deep breath, and
realize things work out, and you know what...they usually always do!" Thank you Pete!
Lisa Sinisgalli
Associate Producer - The Montel Williams Show

Training for a major world bodybuilding title literally requires super human effort. The demands of
regular Herculean training, daily cardio work, posing practice, sustained mental focus, and strict diet
can burn you out if you let the stress get to you.
That’s why I recommend “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”©. It teaches you how to use
stress as success stimulating fuel – and not let it burn you out, or break you down. Hey – we all have
stress in our lives; this book helps you use it in a totally unique, life enhancing way!”
Victor Martinez
Mr. Olympia Top 3 Finalist

"This book can show you things about yourself you may never have realized. Especially how to stop
subconsciously processing circumstances as ‘negatives’, so we can then use them resourcefully to
open up our lives.
The overwhelming amount of wisdom gained from reading this book can only improve one's quality of
life – as well as helping to positively impact anyone the reader comes into contact with.
Pete has helped some of the top professionals to believe in themselves. In this book, he shows us how
to be driven in a healthy way -- utilizing Stress to Fuel Your Success. Pete Siegel teaches you how to
focus on the best of what life has to offer!”
Dr. Nick Delgado
Certified Time Line Therapist Author - Anti Aging Protocols
Diplomat American Academy Anti Aging Medicine

I bring decades of media substantiated clinical results and experience into each self-help
program I produce. And  “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”© has
cracked the code to filling a need millions upon millions have (and likely you as well) – conquering
(not just “managing”, but conquering) the caustic effects of stress. Yes -- and conquering these
effects in a way leading to truly enhanced personal vitality, emotional strength, life
effectiveness...and measurable personal gain!

Have You Had Enough Of Being Lessened Or Compromised By Stress...
Because I’m About To Give You An Entirely New Way Of Dealing With It
(So “It” Doesn’t Keep Dealing Negatively With You!)

In this mega results program, I take you “by the hand” each chapter, and walk you through
pioneering, directly life strengthening concepts, strategies, and processes…so you’re not merely
trying to “manage” a negative effect or symptom (i.e. stress). You’re applying new and powerful life
skills that  move you to use your stress to produce tangible mental/physical/emotional
upgrades and improvements.

This way  you naturally conquer and overcome the origin of your stress (i.e. problem people/toxic environments/negative habits, etc.) – and move yourself notably beyond it into empowering realms of emotional freedom, life vibrancy, accomplishment and personal gain!

Think about it for a moment: Responding to the effect, symptom or condition — people do this with headaches, poor health, poor physical appearance…and when dealing with stress. They
just keep responding to the effect or condition - and try (most times in vain) to “manage it”. But, as
you know, the effects just remain, or soon return. And the vicious cycle of “experiencing the
pressure and discomfort of stress - then trying to offset its effects" – continues! Let me tell you -
medical research clearly indicates that, over time, this cycle serves to weaken, deplete, and break
you down!

Hey – enough of just “responding to the effects”, and trying to keep the negative symptoms of
stress “under control”. Now, I’m going to put in your hands the step-by-step, breakthrough cause to
overcoming stress (and producing measurable life increase) by showing you how to directly use
your stress to incite extraordinary personal gains (which move you to fully surmount the caustic
affects of stress)!

Breaking The “Vicious Stress Cycle”
And Establishing The "Empowering Success Cycle"
Through Life Transforming New Awareness And Actions...

Let me ask you something; how much do you think using your stress to your advantage will
be worth to you? I mean, taking energy that’s, heretofore, been straining and draining you -- and
using it to produce some measurable degree of personal change, increase, advancement, and
improvement in your life. Yes, and in so doing, either overcoming or conquering - completely
conquering - its negative hold upon you?

How much do you think this would be worth to you in terms of personal health/wellness
increases? Peace of mind increases? Personal income increases? Personal energy level
increases? Personal performance increases? Advancing yourself in life? And in experiencing
greater joy and fulfillment throughout your life?

These are exactly the benefits my powerful new e-book will now help you experience. It gives you a revolutionary approach to un-burdening yourself from stress, by using stress as a revolutionary approach to un-burdening yourself from stress,   by using stress as a personal success inducing fuel…which totally overcomes its negative effects!

Yes, chapter by chapter, this life changing e-book thoroughly
details how to use your stress to produce decisive positive change,
improvement, and personal life advance. So instead of allowing it to just
“eat at you” (and tear you down)… you use it as success motivating power
to produce a notable life breakthrough, or tangible personal increase! (My
promise to you here: As soon as you purchase and start using this e-book,
you’ll begin experiencing incredible, life changing results!)

Wow! Just Look At The Exciting, Totally Info-Packed
Chapters This Extraordinary Program Gives You!

Introduction: Understanding Stress, And Re-Defining It

As A Motivational Catalyst........................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: Establishing The Stress Defiant, Stress Impact

In-tolerant Attitude Of Conquest................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2: Embrace, And Hold Steadfast The Intent To Progress, Increase

And Triumph (Believing That What’s Inside Of You, Is Notably

Stronger Than The Stressors You Experience Outside Of You)!...................................... 11

Chapter 3: Let Feeling Tired, And/Or Fatigued Move You To Access

Your Sustained Determined/Persistence Self Image.......................................................... 15

Chapter 4: Let The Unpredictability, And Non-Follow Through Of

Others Move You To Be More Self Reliant, And Proactive

For Your Own Behalf.................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 5: Start Cutting The “Ropes” You Feel Pulling You In All Directions –

And Learn To Say The No, That Says The Yes…To You!..................................................... 29

Chapter 6: Overcoming The Fear Of The Future You’ve Been Letting Bind You................................ 36

Chapter 7: The “Un-Recognized” Cost Of Doing Business.................................................................... 46

Chapter 8: Residential Stress, And Its Under Utilized Power To Motivate......................................... 53

Chapter 9: Keeping Your Emotional Bearings And Sanity

While In The Midst Of Environmental Stress Stew.............................................................. 61

Chapter 10: Using The Pressure To Perform In A New Way —

That Brings Forth Masterful Aptitude And Power................................................................. 69

Chapter 11: Decide Who’s Gonna Be Bigger, Stronger, Tougher - Who’ll

Outlast Who - And Who Will Ultimately Triumph —

Stress Or You............................................................................................................................... 77

Chapter 12: The Determined Living Uplift: Now You’ll Supercharge Your Purpose,

Tenacity To Triumph, And Drive To Thrive.............................................................................. 86

Epilogue: Now, There Is No More “Small” You –

But The Will, Ability, And Power Of The BIG You!.................................................................. 105

I’ve left no stone unturned, and I’ve taken all the guesswork out for you. Just read and apply
the book’s precise, step by step, easy to understand chapters - and results proven strategies. And I
guarantee you’ll then naturally, deliberately use your stress, and stressors, to richly enhance your
life – in esteem building, power magnifying, growth commanding ways you never even considered
you could!

Hey -- stress isn’t just going to "take wings and fly away”…or somehow “all of a sudden”
magically discontinue in your life. But I’m now going to show you how to use it as a personal
progress motivator, inspirational action force, and success inciting fuel — to produce truly dramatic,
positive wellness, performance and financial upgrades in your life. Yes -- so you fully surmount
its caustic effects!

Through engaging this uniquely powerful program’s EASY TO APPLY  methods and strategies,
stress will No Longer overwhelm and diminish you; now you’ll take charge of it…and use it to
directly incite a significantly enhanced, and deeply satisfying quality of life. Yes -- where energy,
vitality, strengthened life performance, and success - deeply empowering success - flourishes!
My iron clad promise to you here is 100% unconditionally guaranteed!

Order The "Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success !”© e-Book Today –
And You’ll Also Get The Following Incredible Personal Development
Bonus Manual, And 2 Total Life Empowering MP3 Downloads…
Absolutely FREE!

(You’d pay me over $500.00 to personally consult you on the issues
these bonus gifts address. But these following super life strengthening
bonus gifts are all yours absolutely FREE when you order now!)

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Your first bonus gift is this mega-life strengthening
personal power manual “The Inner Counsel Think Tank: The
Subconscious Mastermind Group That Advises You From Within!”
So many people experience undue stress by looking to others to find
answers and solutions they (if they knew how) could as efficiently find, within

Worrying, wondering, stressing, and obsessing - hey…these factors
naturally subside when you learn how to look within your self to access the
wisdom and awareness which provides you the personal - and life - answers
you need.And so, this mega-manual first details exciting aspects of your
subconscious wisdom and power capacity you likely never even knew you

Then, step by step, it details exactly how to use your subconscious to
directly enhance your personal welfare. The 8 step extraordinary results
“Inner Counsel Think Tank” is outlined for you, enabling you to set an
internal mastermind group, which works - full time - to supply you the
awareness, insight, direction and guidance you need. Yes -- the inner
awareness enabling you to clearly overcome any problem or challenge you

No guesswork at all for you; just apply the process as outlined…and
enjoy the feelings of confidence and inner strength that accompany finding
your answers within yourself -- soundly and decisively!
Yours FREE when you order now... but only for a limited time!

FREE Bonus Gift #2: “Building The Confidence That Moves
Mountains” Podcast (Free Bonus Personal Change Programming
MP3 Download)

This total life empowerment program is the extraordinary podcast I did
for Men’s Health Magazine, which appeared on the entire

This total life empowerment program is the extraordinary podcast I did
for Men’s Health Magazine, which appeared on the entire

for Men’s Health Magazine, which appeared on the entire
month of June ’06!

You’ll richly learn the dynamics and elements connected to
developing pure self confidence. And, you’re given a wealth of life changing
information on developing solid, unwavering, confidence…in every aspect of
your life.

There’s also a “boosting your self belief and sense of ability” NLP
process right in the middle of the recording, that will enable you to eliminate
self doubt – and firmly initiate personal success actions and direction. Yes -
in areas you never thought you could!

Hundreds of thousands of Men’s Health Magazine’s website readers
have been deeply changed by this incredible podcast. The confidence it
helps you experience will make a solid, and lasting impression upon your

Yours FREE when you order now... but only for a limited time!

FREE Bonus Gift #3: The full 2 ½ hour mega presentation “Freedom From Bad Luck” that was nationally syndicated on the Coast To Coast radio show, the biggest night time radio show in the country (Host: George Noory).
(Free bonus positive life upgrade MP3 download)
This presentation literally held over 3 million listeners captivated for
the full 2 ½ hour segment I did on this radio program 10/16/06. Yes - 3 million
people were tuned in to this total information packed interview I did on
“Freedom From Bad Luck”. The listener call-in lines were completely jam
packed all show long!

You will learn what luck is. How good luck can be cultivated. How to
lessen and eliminate recurrent bad luck from your life. How to disconnect
from fear, negativity, and worry. How to develop the mind-set promoting the
good, the positive, and decisive success in your life. How to stop bad luck
dead in its tracks…and forge the propensity attracting good luck.

We literally received thousands of emails, book/CD orders, and
requests for personal sessions after I did this Coast To Coast radio program
with host George Noory. 3 million people were captivated, educated, and
richly empowered by this program - and you will be too!
Yours FREE when you order now... but only for a limited time!

When you order now, you’ll promptly receive the links enabling you to download, and print
out your complete “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”© e-book, your personal power
manual “The Inner Counsel Think Tank”, and both incredible MP3 downloads…so you can start
using them right away!

Just imagine how thoroughly empowering, and life strengthening it will be for you to receive -
and then begin using this extraordinary e-book, and the bonus gifts - in less than 10 minutes from

That’s right…when you go ahead and order now, in less than 10 minutes, you’ll have in your
hands the unique, groundbreaking materials enabling you to master, overcome, conquer - and use
stress to your thorough life advantage (and measurable personal success increase!)

“With over 30 years of front line experience in the fire service, I’ve witnessed many human tragedies.
Making thoughtful decisions with confidence, which often affect health and property, is a basic
requirement to function effectively as a fire service leader.

Add to the mix the living and working environment surrounded by the type “A” personalities of my fellow
fire fighters, and many times it feels like swimming in a shark tank.

Using Pete Siegel’s methods helps you erase those negative thoughts of “I can’t”, “This is too tough”,
and the self-imposed limitations you’ve been conditioned to have throughout your life.
The results here are dramatic and immediate. When you decide that the world works for you, and
choose to use daily stressors to help you, witness the reaction you get from co-workers, and watch
your obstacles disappear!”
Captain Bryan Perry
Bakersfield, CA Fire Department

"Being successful in the entertainment business requires tremendous confidence, an ability to manage
high levels of stress, and the right vision for achievement. In this book Pete Siegel lays the foundation
for success through his proven methods of discipline and self-awareness. With Pete Siegel, you learn
to be successful by first learning how to live."
John Carlin
Head Talent Booker For Athletes - The Jimmy Kimmel Show

"I have long believed in the power of mind over matter--and mind over circumstance. So I enjoyed
Pete's insights into how your outlook can, and does, affect (and change) your life.
Over the years I‘ve heard actors, TV news anchors, singers and other performers (who are in the
spotlight) say you should use, or feed on, whatever stage fright, stress or nervous energy you might
feel to improve your performance. Harness that energy in a decidedly productive way.
In this book, Pete takes this fundamental insight and applies it to a variety of everyday circumstances to
show how anyone can turn a potentially intimidating, overwhelming, or negative influence (or
experience) into something truly positive.”
Gregory Mantell
Host - The Gregory Mantell Show

"This is a work of genius! Finally someone shows you how to turn your stress into FIRE for success. I
love this book and want everyone to get it. It's liberating, empowering, and a true breakthrough in a new
way to achieve your goals. You can't imagine what this book has in store for you so just GET IT. It's
Dr. Joe Vitale
Author of the best seller "The Attractor Factor", "The Greatest Money Making Secret In History!", and
star of The Secret.
"Announcing: The 'Ridiculously' Low Price
That Makes It Totally Easy For You To
Order Now...So You Start Reaping This
Program's HUGE Life Benefits!"

And Here’s Your Ridiculously Low Price For This Totally Unique,
Incomparible Program That Teaches You How To Take Charge Of,
And Use Stress To Produce Skyrocketing Personal Success
Breakthroughs, Unparalleled Personal Advancement, And Striking
Personal Improvements (Including Physical, Emotional, And
Financial) – In Ways You Never Thought Possible!

You’d pay me well in excess of $1,000.00 to personally work with and consult
you on the issues the e-book and free bonus gifts address. So I could easily charge
$99.95 for the program…knowing thousands worldwide would eagerly purchase it
(because the results you’ll experience are that life changing, powerful, and

But I’m going to do you one better – because I know that with the ridiculously
low price you will pay…tens of thousands - including you - will then be naturally
moved to eagerly purchase, use, and vitally thrive from this breakthrough, totally life
strengthening program...

So here it is for you: only $39.95 (if you order now) for this extraordinary
program that gives you solid, comprehensive command over something you’ve just
been allowing to control, weigh you down, drain, undermine and diminish you!
So now you've got every reason to make this life-gaining program yours! Go
ahead and order “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”© now, and you'll have
(Come on, now... why would you even consider allowing stress to continue
aggravating, draining, slowing you down, or breaking you down after my iron clad,
unconditionally guaranteed promise to you here! Now’s your chance to really start
experiencing dynamic inner strength, vital energy increases, total confidence
upgrades, spectacular personal power, incredible achievement… and fully conquer
being controlled by stress – in ways you never even knew you could!)

Go Ahead And Send Me This Life Changing
Program – So I Can Start Taking Charge of Stress, And Begin
Using It To Start Advancing, Improving, And Producing Striking
Personal Success – In Ways I Never Even Knew I Could!
“Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”©

12 chapter, 112 page information packed e-book (plus intro
and epilogue chapters) – And mega-personal power manual,
plus 2 incredible personal development MP3 downloads

Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success

This Special Offer Pricing Is
backed by a 100% unconditional money back
guarantee. If you feel this product has not produced
notable life enhancement for you within 56 days (8
weeks) from your date of purchase, let us know, and
you can have your money refunded – all of it – no
questions asked. (F.Y.I. - people worldwide now use
this incredible program, and we've never had anyone
return their program back to us... Why? Because the
results they experience from my acclaimed Maximum
Life Increase© methods are rapid, decisive, totally life
empowering... and thoroughly Profound!)

Here’s to you now measurably taking charge of the stress in your life (any and all stress)…
and directly using it toward your personal, and life advance! Go ahead and take advantage of my
ridiculously low price offer to you... and Order Now!
My warm regards,

PS: This book is unlike any you’ve ever read or used before; it literally puts in your hands step-bystep,
proven life and situation changing power. I show you how to use any/all stress in your life to
your personal advantage – to your decided personal gain! If you’re someone interested in truly
mastering stress in your life, and becoming considerably more successful, accomplished, effective,
and vital…go ahead and order your copy now…and begin enjoying the unique, incredibly powerful
process this book easily teaches you, that will change your life, forever!

NOTE: “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!”© is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. As soon
as you order, you will promptly receive the target links enabling you to download your complete copy of the “Using Your Stress To
Fuel Your Success!”© e-book, your bonus manual, and your two MP3 recordings onto your computer. The e-book, and bonus
stress using your stress to fuel your success  stres reduction book by Peter siegel
This Amazing Ebook Is Only $40.00
Order The "Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success !”© e-Book Today –
And You’ll Also Get The Following Incredible Personal Development
Bonus Manual, And 2 Total Life Empowering MP3 Downloads…
Absolutely FREE!

NOTE: After you pay online. Your download is not automatic.  We will personally email you everything the same day that you pay. Usually within a few hours. of payment.

(You’d pay over $500.00 to personally consult you on the issues
these bonus gifts address. But these following super life strengthening
bonus gifts are all yours absolutely FREE when you order now!)

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Your first bonus gift is this mega-life strengthening
personal power manual The Inner Counsel Think Tank: The
Subconscious Mastermind Group That Advises You From Within!”
This mega-manual first details exciting aspects of your subconscious wisdom and power capacity you likely never even knew you

Then, step by step, it details exactly how to use your subconscious to
directly enhance your personal welfare. The 8 step extraordinary results
“Inner Counsel Think Tank” is outlined for you, enabling you to set an
internal mastermind group, which works - full time - to supply you the
awareness, insight, direction and guidance you need. Yes -- the inner
awareness enabling you to clearly overcome any problem or challenge you

No guesswork at all for you; just apply the process as outlined…and
enjoy the feelings of confidence and inner strength that accompany finding
your answers within yourself -- soundly and decisively!
Yours FREE when you order now... but only for a limited time!

FREE Bonus Gift #2: “Building The Confidence That Moves
Mountains” Podcast (Free Bonus Personal Change Programming
MP3 Download) This total life empowerment program is the extraordinary podcast I did
for Men’s Health Magazine, which appeared on  the entire month of June ’06! You’ll richly learn the dynamics and elements connected to developing pure self confidence. And, you’re given a wealth of life changing
information on developing solid, unwavering, confidence…in every aspect of
your life. There’s also a “boosting your self belief and sense of ability” NLP
process right in the middle of the recording, that will enable you to eliminate
self doubt – and firmly initiate personal success actions and direction. Yes -
in areas you never thought you could!

when you order now... but only for a limited time!

FREE Bonus Gift #3: The full 2 ½ hour mega presentation “Freedom
From Bad Luck” that was nationally syndicated on the Coast To Coast radio
show, the biggest night time radio show in the country (Host: George Noory).
(Free bonus positive life upgrade MP3 download)

You will learn what luck is. How good luck can be cultivated. How to
lessen and eliminate recurrent bad luck from your life. How to disconnect
from fear, negativity, and worry. How to develop the mind-set promoting the
good, the positive, and decisive success in your life. How to stop bad luck
dead in its tracks…and forge the propensity attracting good luck.

Yours FREE when you order now... but only for a limited time!

I’ve left no stone unturned, and I’ve taken all the guesswork out for you.
Just read and apply
the book’s precise, step by step, easy to understand chapters - and results proven strategies.
And I guarantee you will then naturally, deliberately use your stress, and stressors, to richly enhance your
life – in esteem building, power magnifying, growth commanding ways you never even considered
you could!

When you order now, you’ll promptly receive the links enabling you to download, and print
out your complete, “Using Your Stress To Fuel Your Success!” © e-book, your personal power
manual, “The Inner Counsel Think Tank”, and both incredible MP3 downloads…so you can start
using them right away!

stress using your stress to fuel your success  stres reduction book by Peter siegel